·         [10/2011]  长期招收嵌入式开发实习生及工程人员. (招聘简介)

·         [11/2009]  Our variable latency adder paper is accepted by ISQED 2010. As the first paper in fault tolerant session 6C.

·         [09/2009]  Our proposal "Non-volatile Logic Research for Wireless sensor network", is supported by National Science Foundation of China!

·         [08/2009]  Hengyu's ICCAD 2009 Paper is in, Congratulations!

·         [07/2009]  Our cross discipline proposal "Wireless sensor network for underground tunnels real-time monitoring" is funded!

·         [05/2009]  Our low-power computing 863 proposal is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology!

·         [11/2007]  After several days long construction, the website is released!