[2014 Spring]


Modern Computer Architecture

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¡¡ [Overview] - [People] - [Acknowledgements]
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¡¡ [Overview]
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¡¡ Fei Qiao is responsible for the memory hierarchy, interconnection and IO systems.

Mr. Sijie Ding, as Fei Qiao's TA, is responsible for the OpenCL experiments for image signal processing applications on heterogeneous architectures of GPU+CPU processing units.

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¡¡ [People]
¡¡ Assoc. Prof. Yongpan Liu, Yu Wang and Fei Qiao
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¡¡ Acknowledgements
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Copyright © 2014   Fei Qiao, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.C. All rights reserved

Last Update : 2015-01-19
