[2014 Spring]


MOS Integrated Circuits Design and Practice 

  [Overview] - [People] - [Acknowledgements]

  The course of "MOS Integrated Circuits Design and Practice" will cover the whole backend design of CMOS IC chips. Graduate students would learn the basic knowledge of CMOS process, and simulate a course project circuit use Spice-like simulators, draw layout with some provided process; then the gds data would be fabricated by some real foundry. The prototype chips would be tested by students.

Besides the conventional tools and process, related to Cadence and Synopsys, this is the first year we use the "Made in China" EDA tools, PDK and design flows from Empyrean Inc. Also, Empyrean provides the IC fabrication process for the course projects.

  Course Projects:
SPI 控制器实现
Physical computing: Active Resistor Network to accelerate SIFT algorithm
  Layout Graph Selected Projects of 2014:
  一种实用的多通道峰值保持电路 数字时钟产生电路(Onchip Fully-Digital Clock Generator)
  Defense and Discussion of Course Projects:
  Fei Qiao ( qiaofei@tsinghua.edu.cn ) @ Rohm Building 4302
  TA: Xue Han
  The course is supported by Empyrean Inc.for its EDA tools, PDK and design flows. More, Empyrean also provides the IC fabrication process for the course projects.

Copyright © 2014   Fei Qiao, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.C. All rights reserved

Last Update : 2015-01-19